Experimente montanhas deslumbrantes, uma cultura rica e aventuras inesquecíveis.
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Looking for the last great Terra Incognita on Earth? Kazakhstan is one of the few truly unexplored destinations for Western travelers. This vast, mysterious land is home to breathtaking landscapes, ancient traditions, and a warm, welcoming culture. And unlike many remote travel destinations, it’s one of the safest places in the world—even for solo female travelers.
Almaty means "Father of Apples", and its famous Aport Apple is known for its massive size and rich taste. This city has deep roots in the history of apples, making it a **must-visit for food lovers and nature enthusiasts**.
The combination of icy winters and long, warm summers creates a unique environment where fruits and vegetables develop **bold, intense flavors**. Almaty’s markets are bursting with some of the tastiest produce you'll ever try.
Imagine waking up to the sight of Talgar Peak (16,335 feet / 4,979 meters) towering over the city. Whether you're into hiking, paragliding, or just soaking in alpine scenery, Almaty's mountains are an adventurer’s paradise.
The rugged trails of the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains aren’t for the faint of heart, but if you crave an adrenaline rush, this is the place to be. And keep an eye out—you might spot wild bears, lynxes, or even elusive snow leopards.
Deep in the Kazakh steppes, you’ll find Tamgaly-Tas, a sacred site with Buddhist rock carvings dating back thousands of years. It’s the perfect place to tap into ancient energies, meditate, or just soak in the spiritual vibes.
Kazakhs are descendants of the fierce horseback warriors of the steppes. Discover their ancient way of life, visit traditional yurts, and witness incredible horseback archery and eagle hunting demonstrations.
Think Kazakhstan is just mountains and steppe? Think again. The Altyn-Emel Nature Reserve is home to Singing Sand Dunes, wild horses, and Martian-like desert landscapes**. Take a jeep safari and experience the raw beauty of Central Asia.
While Kazakhstan is an unknown land for many Western travelers, it’s also one of the safest countries in the region. Women can walk alone at night without worry, and the local culture is incredibly hospitable to foreigners. Whether you're an experienced explorer or a first-time visitor to Central Asia, you'll feel at home in Almaty.
Unlike other “hidden gems” that have already been discovered by mass tourism, Kazakhstan remains a true adventure for those who seek the unknown. Be part of a rare group of travelers who experience the untouched beauty of Central Asia.
Experiências selecionadas para exploradores, aventureiros e amantes da cultura.
Comece sua viagem sem estresse! Nosso guia que fala inglês irá recebê-lo no aeroporto, auxiliá-lo no check-in do hotel e fornecer um tour de orientação pela cidade.
Reservar AgoraPasse uma noite em uma yurt tradicional, experimente a autêntica culinária cazaque e assista a caça com águias e arqueirismo a cavalo em uma aldeia étnica. Perfeito para famílias e amantes da cultura!
Reservar AgoraDescubra a vibrante vida noturna de Almaty! Explore bares em terraços, speakeasies secretos e locais de música ao vivo com um guia local. Acesso VIP incluído! Perfeito para festeiros e viajantes sociais.
Reservar AgoraCaminhe até um dos lagos alpinos mais deslumbrantes da Ásia Central, cercado por picos nevados e natureza intocada.
Reservar AgoraExperimente as Dunas Cantantes, cavalos selvagens e paisagens de outro mundo neste safari off-road pelo Parque Nacional Altyn-Emel.
Reservar AgoraVisite a resposta do Cazaquistão ao Grand Canyon! Explore o Vale dos Castelos, caminhe por formações rochosas impressionantes e desfrute de uma aventura inesquecível ao ar livre.
Reservar AgoraSobrevoe as deslumbrantes montanhas Tian Shan e pouse no Acampamento Base Inylchek, a porta de entrada para Khan Tengri (7.010 m) e Pico Pobeda (7.439 m). Uma experiência inesquecível em meio à natureza selvagem!
Saiba MaisPlanejando sua viagem? Aqui está tudo o que você precisa saber antes de visitar Almaty.
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